Inspo #01

1. RAL K7 Classic Colour chart
Choosing colours for powder coating repurposed bike frames. Giving a new life to old frames.
2. Muzzle Pen
Go to studio pen. Buy here.
3. Craft Knife
Making packaging samples and other concept pieces.
4. Rollei XF 35 Camera
Inspired by Stephen Shore's American Surfaces Photo Book.
5. Paracord
Black reflective spec paracord used on a selection of Muzz gear.
6. DRC Grind plates (yellow & orange)
Limited run of grind plates for inline skates. DRC made some of our favourite skate videos, watch them here.
7. Demco book cards
Love utilitarian stationery!
8. Fujicolour 35mm Film
Shooting film instead of digital where possible - Using 'Take It Easy Lab' for my developing needs.
9. Restrap Sometimes Hiking, Always Biking Patch
Restrap are my go to bike bags.
10. Walsingham Abbey
Collector of tickets and printed things.
11. Stanley Tape measure
Sh*t that lasts - Grandads old tape measure.
12. Cycle Repair Outfit Tin
A gift from Mikee at VINOSANGRE.
13. Muzzle Swing Tag & Labels
The acetate layer, black swing tags and various fabric labels you'll find on muzz goods.
14. Muzzle Laces
130cm of the finest laces for your skates with silicone tips. Buy here.
15. Simpson Repair Box
We all love a puncture and stuff in a tin.
16. CCI Mixing Stick
Used to mix my preferred emulsion for Screen printing.
17. Dry Cleaning labels
More design inspiration!
18. Unhappy patch
Coming to the site soon...
19. St Michael clothes label
More great practical design.
20. Muzzle 2nd Edition Photo book
This edition featured Mushroom Blading and came with a limited edition 59.1mm wheel.
21. Muzzle 56mm 90a Skate wheels
Tried and tested, exact same wheels we used in the dirt box days. If it ain’t broke! Buy here.
22. Red Hook Crit Bell
Bells given out at a fixed gear bike race. Gift from Adam Williams.
23. Muzzle Ink stamp
For stamping stuff.
24. No.12 Soft gimp thread
Found in a charity shop, used for repairs.
25. TJ Webber Senate Wheels
A gift from Anthony Zinonos's skate stash.
26. Mini Carabina Clips
Sourced for the first Muzzle Bottles.